
The Middletown Township Public School District is dedicated to providing personalized professional learning opportunities to our staff members. As adult learners, we all thrive on autonomy and self-reflective practices that result in true professional growth. It is our mission, as a district to be on the forefront of this growth mindset and to provide you with the guidance, resources and support necessary to meet your unique learning needs. This school year may be the most challenging one of your career, and it may also be the most exciting. A growth mindset paired with a positive outlook will allow you to explore new strategies and techniques this year. As you begin the school year, I challenge you to set a learning goal for yourself professionally and see more opportunities than challenges before you. Through a dedication to continued growth as a professional which is personal and purposeful, we demonstrate for our students the importance of being a lifelong learner. When we all take ownership of our learning and growth, the sky is the limit!

Take a minute to watch this video on famed researcher, Carol Dweck, on the Power of Not Yet. Such a powerful message for our students and us as adult learners. Shift your mindset to embrace your own learning!